How Katleho Tsoku Turned Her Grief Into A Platform That Helps Women Nurture Joy

Following her mother’s sudden passing in 2021, serial entrepreneur Katleho Tsoku wondered if she would ever know joy in her life again. Following my dad and brother’s passing years ago, it had just been my mom and I – and our extended family of course. “Reflecting on my own life, I remembered how bringing people together and creating experiences had been a big part of what made my life beautiful,” says Katleho who’s previously owned a restaurant. The answer that became palpably obvious during those moments of reflection was that redirection is one of few ways that help with finding purpose and joy again. And so, the idea of HOSTED was born.

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Picking up the pieces

As I started researching how I could bring this to life, I discovered a term called The Joycononomy.  It is a term coined by Wunderman Thompson Intelligence. “The Joyconomy leverages the power of joy to connect. It is a response to people’s deliberate gravitation towards joy in the face of continued hardship globally especially following the COVID-19 pandemic. This was an AHA moment for me, because my yearning for joy was not just personal, there was a widespread yearning for joy and connection.”

As I continued to do my research, particularly on how HOSTED could serve women, I came across startling research on the widening gender-burn-out gap mostly impacting Black Women. 

“Women struggle to balance self-care against filling the needs of their families. But for Black women, juggling those competing needs often comes against a backdrop of intergenerational trauma and suppression of emotions. In the Black community, women have perfected obsessive selflessness to an art form. We end up exhausted, emotionally drained — and in many cases, unhealthy — because we are conditioned to serve the needs of others and display superhuman strength — to our own detriment.” (CNN)

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The Joyconomy

So what started off as a really personal project, is evolving into a product that is on a mission to help women nurture joy, beauty and community through the lens of hosting and gathering. And we do that by elevating the practice of gathering by providing a curated ecosystem of inspiration, quality products (women-owned), and enriching experiences that help hosting enthusiasts create memorable and beautiful gatherings with ease.

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Through hosting and gathering as a form of essential self-care particularly for women. Also, new research showing that one of the reasons women live longer is because of the gathering they do and community they build with other women. I think I will leave it at that for now and let you marinate on it a bit. I am happy to have a call and chat further. You had asked if I would be ready for an interview next week, depending on what you would need, I definitely can make it happen!

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