Treating Your Dog’s Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is an enormous problem for pets. The National Institutes of Health reported that pre-pandemic, about 20 percent of dogs experienced separation anxiety —...

How to Handle Dog Marking and House Soiling

It’s true that canines communicate very differently from humans, and marking (or intentional urination) may be the most blatant example. Though it looks (and smells)...

Separation Anxiety in Dogs

The term gets tossed around casually, but separation anxiety is a very serious matter. True separation anxiety is your dog’s panicked response to being left...

Dog Training: Tricks

Tricks are both enjoyable and extremely useful. While they are fun to show off, these tricks can also be useful for teaching your dog the...

How to Raise a Dog-Friendly Dog

There’s a short period in every puppy’s development, from very early puppyhood to 3 or 4 months of age, when their experiences have a big...