Young Nails Biz Talk: Are You Getting Too Close to Clients?
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Purchased by me I can never resist a printed mask let alone a POKEMON printed mask! JM Solution is nailing it with these collaborations so...
Press samples Truthfully, I wanted to have a sunscreen post up for you all the way back in June, but as we are supposed to...
Light Elegance’s Moody Collection includes Moody Blues, A dark, moody navy that has just a touch of brightness to it. Photo: Light Elegance Light Elegance, creator of...
Press samples August is going by WAY too quickly for me as I am not quite ready to think about Back to School season (even...
Purchased by me I have had a really nice three day weekend having worked the Stat Holiday earlier this week and it has truly...
Happy weekend! I am writing this live which almost NEVER happens because it is Saturday and in the world of retail, I so rarely...
Press samples Lip oils are ALL the rage now and though I tell myself that the six I have are enough, I still find myself...
With the fifth-highest average search rate flower tattoos have a diverse range of meanings. Photo: Pexels.com / Anna Giorgia Zambrelli Tattoos as a form of self-expression have...
If you’ve ever relocated and had to start your business from scratch, you’ll be inspired by Jody Mackay (@jodydoesjels), a nail tech specializing in hand...