Everything’s bigger in Texas… Laissez les bons temps rouler!… I reckon you’re seeking inspiration from an emerging style from below the Mason-Dixon that is sure to impress your guests. No need to run to Pinterest; we’ve got some of the best things about a southern-style kitchen right here in this blog!
From high ceilings and built-ins to huge islands, this unique, spacious style of kitchen is becoming more and more popular here on the East Coast. The kitchen has become its own kind of living area in homes across the country. Style and functionality are a package deal when designing the kitchen space, and this style fits like a glove!
If you dream of a Southern style kitchen for your home here on the East Coast, keep reading because this one’s for y’all! We’re talking about the most unique features of kitchens built specifically for space and entertainment, as well as functionality.
Bring the Outdoors, In! 
One of the most popular features you will find in any home South of the Mason Dixon are windows. Southern style calls for floor to ceiling windows, and lots of them. Whether you’re in Georgia or Texas, it’s crucial to feel the outdoors as a part of your space without leaving your home (because it’s way too hot to actually be outside). But be mindful, all those windows could make it quite toasty in your home… more on that to come!
Many people who purchase a home feature an entertainment center as a piece of furniture. But if you check out a home down South, you’ll find that built-in shelving is a part of most homes, whether they are older, or new construction. The beautiful thing about this feature of a home is that it gives a natural flow and organization to a home that many without them lack. They are typically seen in a centralized area, such as a family room. TVs are seen mounted directly in the middle for a cohesive, aesthetic look, and the shelves around them are decorated with intention, showing off beautiful family heirlooms, photographs, or simply the homeowner’s favorite décor.
High Ceilings
High ceilings that feature recessed lighting may be our favorite feature of a Southern style home. While this gives the space a grandiose and dramatic flair, it’s also done with function in mind. Having high ceilings gives the hot air in the house a place to go, keeping the level at which its inhabitants live a cool and comfortable temperature, defending them further from the harsh elements of summer. Heat generated from all that fryin’ you’re doing in your kitchen, and the heat coming in from all those windows, will be pulled up and away from you to that high, vaulted ceiling.
Large Islands
We know how folks in the South do it. Take your pick from 15 different dishes or have a little bit of everything. Of course, they need somewhere to lay out their ‘spread’. The countertop just doesn’t offer enough space. A common feature in this style home is a large island with bar stool seating. This little extra goes a long way when hosting and entertaining football parties, cookouts, a hurricane party, and more. The island is also used as a separator to make the flow from the kitchen to the living area cohesive, further celebrating the togetherness of your closest family and friends.
Tile Flooring
Much like high ceilings, this design is not by accident. Tile flooring tends to stay much cooler than carpet, wood, etc. There are many different materials and types of tile flooring used, but down South, any little bit of coolness goes a long way to help mitigate the heat you’ll inevitably try to escape come July and August.
Y’all Come Back Now!
If this kitchen style sounds like something you want to achieve in your home, give Kitchen Magic a call at (866) 525-0012 to find out how you can bring this Southern style kitchen to your East Coast abode.

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