Mary Wilson, co-founder of Wilson Collective and Destination Rejuvenation understands a stylist’s stress around the holidays and offers 10 helpful tips for alleviating it.
The holidays can be both joyous and stressful all at the same time. I find myself either stressing because I am traveling to see my family, or feeling sad and guilty because I’m not. Sound familiar?
This year, I have been traveling a LOT and made the decision to stay home in California, and enjoy the holiday with my immediate family and friends who arenear by while I try to relax and enjoy.
As we enter the busiest time of year in salons, here are a few tips on how to manage your thoughts and emotions to have the best days and the most restful nights possible.
Here are the Top Ten things I do to manage my mind and body this time of the year.
1. Practice Deep Breathing
While grounding yourself to the earth, really connect with nature and earth energy. Take moments in the day to breathe in deeply. Breathe naturally as you inhale and lengthen as you exhale. It’s free and always available.
2. Protect and Defend Your Sleep
Studies show that 6-9 hours a night is ideal and desirable to most adults. This is the time that your body restores itself.
3. Practice Moderation
Moderation, in all things, including food, alcohol, spending, socializing and committing to serve and participate.

Taking a moment for herself, Mary creates calm with a yoga pose by the pool at sunset.
4. Just Say NO
Yes, NO is a complete sentence. This is a huge tool in supporting the previously mentioned moderation goals. Agree to things you love and say no to those that don’t bring you joy.
5. Share Your Feelings
Let the people closest to you know how you’re feeling. They can cheer you on, give you space and or support you if you need it.

6. Find Gratitude in All Things!
Gratitude is a practice that translates to deeper appreciate and happiness.
8. Be Fully Present in Each Moment
Give the gift of your presence to whomever you’re with. Listen with an open heart and hold space for others!

A group of Destination Rejuvenation participants enjoy a hike.
9. Love and Care for Yourself
Go to the gym, go for a walk, take a yoga class, make a hair appointment, get a massage. When you put yourself first, everything else falls in to place.
10. Plan for Next Year
Dream, goal set and then sit back and enjoy the season.
Enjoy the season and make incredible new memories with those you hold dear. If you would like to get an invitation to our Monday Morning free yoga class on zoom, email me @ mwilsoneducation@gmail.comand I will send an invite!
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About Destination Rejuvenation: Join industry legends Mary Wilson and Ann Mincey-Jetton as they guide you through exercises and experiences that will empower you to take action and make decisions that will bring lasting peace, joy and resilience to your daily life. On March 16-19, 2014, Destination Rejuvenation will provide a small group setting in a private resort in Palm Springs, California. This stunning location is the backdrop for the sharing of activities, information and strategies for managing everyday stress, building stronger more meaningful relationships and connecting with and revitalizing your soul. For more information, visit destinationrejuvenation.com.
About the Author: Mary Wilson has been a beauty industry pro for 40 years and has contributed in many arenas including marketing, sales, education, communication and presentation skills. She believes the very best way to find success is to create beauty and to share your talents with your trusted clients while maintaining your own physical and emotional health. In addition to being a beauty industry leader, Mary has been a certified yoga teacher for the past 10 years and leads wellness retreats and teaches yoga, breath work and energy healing. Since launching Wilson Collective in 2019 with husband Phillip Wilson, Mary has embarked on sharing her message directly with stylists and salon owners while traveling the country in an RV and teaching and sharing the Wilson Method of Haircutting, Styling and Retailing Wilson Collective Products.
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Originally posted on Salon Today
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