I have been absolutely dying to try and review these masks for awhile after seeing Huangjisoo’s attractive packaging on Instagram, but the masks were a bit hard to find for us Canadians. I was just about to buy them on Amazon when they ended up showing up in my FaceTory subscription a few years ago and now I have finally experienced why people were talking about these sheet masks so much!

Mask Summary:
Price: $3-4 USD
What it does: Repair, soothe and strengthen skin barrier
Scent: Lavender
Essence Type: Cream
Duration: 30 minutes
Thickness: Medium
Mask Fit: Not the best as there were many wrinkles that I had a hard time smoothing out due to the fact that there were multiple and deeper cuts in the mask.
Tackiness: Medium – my husband touched my face after an hour and commented that I was “sticky”. It did improve after about 3 hours, so my pillowcase was not sticky, but it did take time!
Hydration: Very good!
Other notes: N/A

Mask Summary:
Price: $3-4 USD
What it does: Minimizes redness, helps with blemishes and skin sensitivity
Scent: Tea tree oil
Essence Type: Slightly viscous, cloudy
Duration: 25 minutes
Thickness: Medium
Mask Fit: Identical to Centella mask in that there were deep cuts and many wrinkles that I could not smooth out, but the mask held and did not lift or move!
Tackiness: Medium
Hydration: Very intense. You will not need additional moisturizer!
Other notes: It does pill a bit.
Final verdict: I wanted to like these masks more than I did. I LOVE the ingredients in these masks which is what makes me tempted to repurchase them, but I didn’t love the wrinkles in the mask. They are also intensely hydrating to the point of being tacky for at least couple of hours and the pilling of the essence makes it impossible to layer anything on top (though I don’t think you will feel the need to!). While I wouldn’t write these masks off completely, I feel like I can have nicer feeling skin without the additional little “quirks” of what I experienced.
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