With the fifth-highest average search rate flower tattoos have a diverse range of meanings.
Photo: Pexels.com / Anna Giorgia Zambrelli
Tattoos as a form of self-expression have been around almost as long as humans have been, and the trend to wear your heart on your sleeve–literally–is still going strong. In salon culture, tattoos and fresh ink are everywhere, and barbers, stylists, and nail techs express loyalty to their profession with images of barber poles, polish bottles, and shears.
And tattoos cross cultures, generations (see this great photo shoot of some mature inked models), and genders. As they have entered the mainstream, beauty professionals who design body art know to follow safety guidelines and consumers know to do their homework to find a licensed artists, who follows local health regulations.
What’s Trending in the World of Tattoos?
But beyond our salon circle, tattoos are more and more common. Tattoo artists at LLTattoo have revealed the ten most searched tattoo designs world over, and the meanings behind the ink. LLTattoo examined tattoo design search terms on Google Keyword Planner regarding an array of the most common tattoos, to unveil which are the most searched globally, as well as individually in the U.S. and U.K. The experienced artists at the studio have then revealed the commonly accepted meanings behind each of the top ten tattoos.
“It’s fascinating to see which tattoos seem to be the most popular worldwide, particularly with our experience at LLTattoo backing up some of the results, while we were surprised at some of the others. Often customers are quick to commit to tattoos with little thought to their, potentially hidden, meanings and these undertones are usually something that would either strongly encourage them to take the needle or dissuade them from it entirely. We would always recommend a little research into the meaning of your tattoos before they’re on your skin for good.”
— Mentor Dedaj of LLTattoo
The Top 10 Most Searched Tattoos Worldwide
- #10 – The Wolf: The wolf being a pack animal, is commonly associated with family values and loyalty, particularly with an emphasis on the protection of others in the pack.
- #9 – The Lion: Lion tattoos are seen to symbolize bravery, leadership, and power, embodying the commanding presence of the king of the jungle.
- #8 – The Snake: Snake tattoos represent transformation, rebirth, and cunning, highlighting the serpent’s ability to shed its skin and start anew.
- #7 – Medusa: Often associated with strength and power, Medusa tattoos also symbolize survival, particularly for those who have experienced sexual assault. In this context, the image of Medusa has become a powerful emblem of female empowerment and resilience, representing the empowerment of the tattoo wearer.
- #6 – Crosses: The cross carries spiritual significance, connoting themes such as sacrifice and redemption, particularly among the Christian faith.
- #5 – Flowers: Another somewhat umbrella term, floral tattoos have a range of meanings. For instance, a sunflower tattoo is commonly associated with happiness and adoration, while a lotus is often connected to beauty, purity, and rebirth. Some even associate specific flowers with birth months, February babies often adorn violets, and September babies asters.
- #4 – The Dragon: The dragon tattoo is an emblem of courage, strength, and protection. They are seen to symbolize a guardian spirit, inner fortitude, and resilience, and some say they serve as a reminder of one’s ability to overcome obstacles. Particularly in Eastern cultures, the dragon tattoo is also associated with wisdom and fearlessness.
- #3 – Tribal Tattoos: The term tribal tattoos is, of course, a slight umbrella term for symbols of culture and heritage dating back thousands of years. Different tribal tattoos can have completely different meanings, appearances, and associations with completely separate cultures. Generally the most commonly associated with the term are Maori tattoos, originating in the Maori tribes of New Zealand. A few other tribal tattoo styles include Celtic, originating in Europe, Dayak, originating in Indonesia, and Kakau, originating in Hawaii.
- #2 – The Rose: The rose tattoo is traditionally most closely associated with love and romance, however, there are some who refute this more generic interpretation in favor of the symbolization of spirituality and enlightenment, or in many cases, the commemoration of someone or something loved.
- #1 – The Butterfly is officially the most searched tattoo. On average, globally, there are over 428,000 searches per month for “butterfly tattoo”. Frequently linked to mental well-being, the butterfly tattoo is a symbol of resilience but can also serve as a reminder of one’s past struggles, particularly those overcome. The cyclical nature of a butterfly’s lifeline also means the tattoo is seen to connote the essence of rebirth and hope.
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Originally posted on Modern Salon
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