Hello Doctor. My question is, I’ve been watching facial massage on any social media platforms and they have their before and after faces, telling that facial massages really helped them a lot. I tried those facial massages on my face, but I’m kinda scared that maybe it’ll make me a bit old or something. And my second question is, do facial massages help lessen the black around the eye? Thank you, hoping to see your response. ❤️
This one will be shorter than most posts because there’s not a lot of science or to say on this. Except…that for some reason people love these posts. 🙂 I’ve sometimes wondered if it’s because we all really, truly want a magic wand for skin. In other words, something really simple, inexpensive, effective, and that works consistently. It’s the “grail” of skincare. 🙂
Cons for facial massage:
- It will not tighten your skin. There’s quite of bit of science proving that so far only building deep collagen, removing skin completely (like a facelift), or improving elasticity does this. Elasticity is that “snap back” effect.
- We all love before and after photos, but they can be completed doctored and not just by Photoshop. Sometimes it’s just unwitting like different lighting, bad photo angles, lost 3 pounds last week, etc.
- Stretching the skin is not the greatest unless it’s done gently by a good aesthetician. Think of what happens to skin over long periods of time that is stretched, like say a nine-month pregnancy, or a big weight loss. It doesn’t always “snap back” easily. The younger you are the more elastic fibers you have.
- It will not reduce or repair sun damage.
- With no data, this could be just a time waster and not actually harmful, but we don’t know. Time wasters though are on my hit list, and may be on yours.
Pros for facial massage:
- It can just feel good. Let’s not underestimate this. Still, I’d rather see done by a good aesthetician.
- Stimulates blood flow. This is almost always good, like exercise, but don’t overdo it.
- Could possibly help with penetration of good actives if you use them right before massaging.
I Hope this Helps,
Brandith Irwin, MD
Concierge Dermatology & Laser, Seattle
Founder of SkinTour
Follow my skin tips and travels on Instagram!
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