Yes… my heart goes out to you. Complications from this procedure are numerous now, and may be leading to the company’s demise. If you follow our Instagram, you’ll see more on this at @conciergedermandlaser there. The company so far has not been responsive to all the post procedure problems that Ellacor is causing.
One question as you might imagine is ….who pays for fixing the problems that are endemic to this procedure? The doctors certainly don’t want to because they know these weren’t caused by an error on their part individually, but are related to the technology. The company, as far as I know, hasn’t established a fund to pay for things that could be fixed. It’s a problem so far without a good solution.
Here are some suggestions for you and others with these problems:
- This will absolutely not ruin you and will get better with time, but right now it feels awful. Please be gentle with yourself.
- It’s very important to contact the clinic/doctor where you had this done, report to them what is happening, and give them a chance to fix these problems or suggest what to do.
- For the prolonged redness (greater than 1-2 months), so far most people with this have NOT gotten improvement from the Vbeam laser or a BBL/IPL treatment. Trying a long pulse YAG laser may be effective for the redness.
- It’s really important to find a therapist who can help you through this period. Depression usually deepens when you feel like you can’t go out.
- Can you find a good makeup artist or aesthetician that can teach you how to cover this while it’s resolving? I did that because for months my usual tinted sunscreen and tinted moisturizer just wasn’t cutting it.
- The tiny holes that create a texture change can sometimes be improved with a Fraxel Dual laser which has been used successfully for years for mild to moderate acne scarring.
Good luck to you and I hope this helps!
Brandith Irwin, MD
Concierge Dermatology & Laser, Seattle
Founder of SkinTour
Follow my skin tips and travels on Instagram!
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