Hello to all my nail art followers! Thank you for staying with me for all these years and I hope you are enjoying all the new video formats. I want to share all my designs with music but also still have all my tutorials available to watch on my youtube. Here is a collection of ALL my Winter Nail Art designs, plus some new arm art for the upcoming holidays.
My brushes are available on my website, please stop by and buy some for fellow nail artists!!!!
Get my Nail Art Brushes Worldwide HERE!
Robin Moses
Nail Art Wizard Ph.D (Hail to the N.A.W.!!!)
Hashtag me #inspiredbyrobinmoses when you copy my #nailart!
SHOW ME: @robinmosesnailart on instagram
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1UDLr1B
Get My #nailartbrushes at https://robinmosesnailart.com/
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