This 6-move total-body workout will get you shredded in record time with just a few home gym essentials. To be the best you’ve been, train with Trojan.
No-Gym Total-Body Workout
Do the circuit at least three times a week, with only 30 seconds of rest in between each move. To really move things into high gear, you can aim for two or three circuits (we’d only recommend this for advanced athletes). Select equipment with the right weight for your strength level. Let’s get those gains!
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1. Deep Push-Up
- Reps: Do 8 to 12 reps
- Equipment: Trojan Extreme Door Gym
Adopt a modified plank position (knees on the ground) with your hands gripping both sides of the Trojan Extreme Door Gym. Lower your chest, keeping your elbows close to your sides. See how far down you can go before pushing back up to the start.
2. Sandbag Lunges
- Reps: Do 10 reps with each leg
- Equipment: Trojan 10kg Fitness Sandbag
Stand holding a sandbag across your shoulders and behind your head. Step forward with your right leg and lower yourself into a lunge position, while keeping your torso upright and looking straight ahead. Don’t let your front knee go beyond your toes, and try to let your back knee touch the ground softly. Press back up to a standing position and then do the other leg.
READ MORE: The 15-Minute Tone Up Workout
3. Speed Deadlifts
- Reps: Use a barbell (total weight of 25kg) and aim for 20 reps
- Equipment: Trojan 1.8m Barbell Bar; Trojan 2.5kg Barbell Disc
Start with the barbell on the floor, close to your shins (A). Use an overhand or mixed grip and hold it slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Push through your heels to lift the barbell off the floor, and don’t stop until your legs are fully straight (B). Don’t use your back to lift the weights – keep a natural curve and your core contracted throughout.
4. Clean and Press
- Reps: Do 10 reps with the bar alone or add barbell discs for extra weight
- Equipment: Trojan 1.8m Barbell Bar
Start in the deadlift position. Pull the bar upwards by extending your knees and moving your hips forward, while keeping your back straight and the bar close to you. Get under the bar in a squat position once it passes shoulder level. Rotate your elbows around and under the bar and rack the bar across your shoulders. Exhale as you press the bar up until your arms are straight overhead.
5. Kettlebell Swings
- Reps: Do 10 to 20 swings with a challenging weight
- Equipment: Trojan 8kg Kettlebell
Hold the kettlebell in both hands (overhand grip) in between your legs, knees bent. Swing the kettlebell overhead, use a strong hip extension and drive down with your heels. Don’t stop until the kettlebell is above your head, arms extended straight upwards.
6. Burpees With Medicine Ball Slams
- Reps: Do 10 reps
- Equipment: Trojan 7kg Medicine Ball
Stand while holding a medicine ball overhead. Then throw it down onto the ground as quickly as possible. When the ball lands, get into a push-up position with your chest over the medicine ball. Do one push-up (your chest needs to touch the ball) before jumping back into the start position in one explosive movement.
Trojan – for health and fitness equipment that delivers on its promises. Trojan is exclusively available in Makro and Game stores countrywide, or on their websites.
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