When you’ve fallen out of the habit of making fit and healthy choices, it’s way too easy to give up on ever fitting into last summer’s dresses again. Cue a montage of takeaways and serious couch time – it’s not the most action-packed mix. But here’s a crazy idea: why not set yourself up for success? It comes down to forming a sensible – and realistic – plan for staying on track. First step: banish the “I can’ts”. Then commit to consistency with our fool-proof fitness strategy.
This plan, created by personal trainer Adam Rosante, author of The 30-Second Body: Eat Clean. Train Dirty. Live Hard, couldn’t be easier: alternate between the strength-training and cardio workouts five days a week. Because both take just 30 minutes or less – and because you get two rest days each week to use whenever you need them – you can shave off kilojoules and get fit while still managing to get in some QT with the couch.
Total-Body Toning
These dynamic moves build muscle and burn fat all over. Perform the first pair of exercises, moving from 1A to 1B without resting. Rest 60 seconds, then repeat the same pair twice. Continue to pairs 2 and 3 and repeat this pattern. Move 4 doesn’t have a “partner”, so rest for 60 seconds after completing all the reps, then repeat it twice. During week two, drop your rest breaks to 50 seconds; in week three, lower to 40 seconds and finish week four with 30-second breathers.

Stand with your heels shoulder-width apart, toes turned out slightly. Hold a pair of dumbbells at shoulder level. Sit your hips back and lower into a squat (A). Press through your heels to stand, pushing the weights directly overhead (B). Pause, then return to start. That’s one rep. Do 12.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms hanging in front of you, palms facing in. Hinge forward at the hips to lower your torso while raising your right leg behind you (A). Squeeze glutes to return to start, then rotate your palms out and curl both dumbbells to your shoulders (B). Pause, then lower dumbbells back down. That’s one rep. Do six, then repeat on the other side.

Loop a resistance band around a high, sturdy object; kneel on the floor and grab the handles with each hand, arms raised directly overhead (A). Brace your core, then pull your elbows down to your sides, bringing the handles in front of your chest (B). Pause, then return to start. That’s one rep. Do 12.

Lie on your left side with your legs straight. Prop yourself up on your left hand so your body forms a diagonal line. Reach your right hand upward (A). Slowly tuck your right arm under your body (B). Return to start. That’s one rep. Do six, then switch sides and repeat.
READ MORE: This Quick 15-Minute Morning Workout Is The Wake-Up You Need

Stand with your feet more than shoulder-width apart, toes turned out; hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms hanging in front of you, palms facing in. Sit your hips back and bend your knees to lower into a squat (A). Press through your heels to stand, bending your elbows to pull the weights up to your shoulders (B). Pause, then lower back to start. That’s one rep. Do 12.

Lie on your back, arms extended overhead (A). In one motion, brace your core and lift your chest and legs to sit up into a V, reaching your arms forward so they’re parallel to the floor (B). Slowly reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Do 12.
READ MORE: Build Killer Abs With This Quick Core Workout

Get into push-up position with your hands resting on dumbbells, feet hip-width apart (A). Keeping your back flat, bend your elbows to lower your chest towards the floor (B); press back to start, then pull one weight up towards the side of your chest (C). Lower the weight, then repeat with the other arm. That’s one rep. Do 12.
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