If you’re in search of a workout that’s both efficient and effective, look no further than high-intensity interval training, or HIIT for short. HIIT helps you build strength and get a cardio workout at the same time, plus it actually burns 25 to 30 percent more calories than resistance training, cycling and treadmill running, according to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
HIIT also comes with all kinds of other perks, like how it can strengthen your heart, help lower blood pressure and even increase your metabolism and calorie burn post-exercise (also known as EPOC). Not to mention, you don’t need any equipment for a challenging HIIT workout and you can do it just about anywhere (granted you have space to crank out a burpee, of course).
If you’re ready to reap all of the above benefits, try this 30-minute HIIT workout at home, which is good for all fitness levels.
Time: 30 minutes | Equipment: None | Good for: Total Body
How To Do The HIIT Workout
Go through each exercise below in order (some of the moves will repeat throughout the workout). Complete the indicated reps and then continue to the next move, taking rest as noted. Once you’ve completed all 29 exercises, rest for one minute, then repeat the entire circuit one more time.
1. Walkout
How to: Start standing at back of mat with feet under hips and arms at sides. Bend over and place palms on the floor then walk hands out to a high plank position, so shoulders are directly over wrists. Pause, then reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10.
2. Butt Kicks
How to: Start standing with feet under hips and hands at sides. Bend left leg and raise heel to glute, then quickly return it to start and repeat on the right side. That’s one rep. Complete 10 reps.
3. Knee Hugs
How to: Start standing with feet hip-width apart and arms at sides. Bring arms out wide. Then lift left knee toward chest while wrapping arms around shin. Hug leg toward body, then place it down and re-extend arms wide. Now, lift right knee and repeat. That’s one rep. Complete 10.
4. Alternating Low Lunge With Rotation
How to: To start, from a high plank, bend left knee and bring foot forward to rest outside of left hand. Lift left arm into the air and twist torso toward left leg. Replace hand on floor and step back to high plank, then repeat on right side. That’s one rep. Complete 10.
5. Mountain Climber
How to: Start in a high plank position. Keep hips level while driving right knee toward chest, return to a plank and quickly repeat with left knee. That’s one rep. Complete 20.
6. Jumping Jacks
How to: To start, stand in the center of mat with feet together and arms at sides. Then, simultaneously raise arms out and overhead while jumping feet out past shoulders. Without pausing, quickly reverse the movement. That’s one rep. Complete 20.
7. Plank Jacks
How to: Start in a forearm plank position. Jump feet out past shoulders to a wide “V” shape, then jump them back in again. That’s one rep. Complete 20.
8. Side Forearm Plank To Forearm Plank
How to: Start in a side forearm plank position, with right forearm on floor, parallel to top of mat, elbow under shoulder, left arm extended straight in air at shoulder height, feet staggered and flexed. Rotate body forward toward mat and place left forearm down on floor behind and parallel to right coming into a forearm plank. Then, drop heels to left side and rotate body toward right side coming into a side forearm plank of opposite side. That’s one rep. Complete 5.
Rest for one minute. Then continue to the next exercise.
9. Jump Squat
How to: Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart, toes forward, arms at sides. Bend knees, stick butt back and lower down into a squat, bringing hands together in front of chest. Then explosively jump up as high as possible off floor, swinging arms straight behind body for momentum. Land softly on the balls of feet and immediately lower into next squat. That’s one rep. Complete 20.
10. Star Jump
How to: Start standing with feet together and arms at sides. Bend knees to crouch down, bringing fingers to hover above toes. Then jump up into air bringing legs wide outside of shoulders and arms out overhead, forming “X” with body. Softly land back into a crouch. That’s one rep. Complete 20.
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11. Step Touch
How to: Start facing sideways at back of mat with feet together, right heel high, knees bent, torso tilted slightly forward, right arm extended straight behind body and left arm bent across chest. Lift right foot and take a wide step to the right, then bring left foot to meet it, balanced on ball of foot, switching arm positions. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10.
12. Split Jump
How to: Start in a lunge with right leg forward and left back, both bent at 90 degrees, right arm straight at side and left arm bent, hand in line with chin. Jump up quickly off floor, switching legs in midair to land in lunge with left left forward. That’s one rep. Continue alternating for 10 reps.
13. Star Jump
How to: Start standing with feet together and arms at sides. Bend knees to crouch down, bringing fingers to hover above toes. Then jump up into air bringing legs wide outside of shoulders and arms out overhead, forming “X” with body. Softly land back into a crouch. That’s one rep. Complete 20.
14. Step Touch
How to: Start facing sideways at back of mat with feet together, right heel high, knees bent, torso tilted slightly forward, right arm extended straight behind body and left arm bent across chest. Lift right foot and take a wide step to the right, then bring left foot to meet it, balanced on ball of foot, switching arm positions. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10. Rest for one minute. Then continue to the next exercise.
15. Jump Squat
How to: Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart, toes forward, arms at sides. Bend knees, stick butt back and lower down into a squat, bringing hands together in front of chest. Then explosively jump up as high as possible off floor, swinging arms straight behind body for momentum. Land softly on the balls of feet and immediately lower into next squat. That’s one rep. Complete 20.
16. Star Jump
How to: Start standing with feet together and arms at sides. Bend knees to crouch down, bringing fingers to hover above toes. Then jump up into air bringing legs wide outside of shoulders and arms out overhead, forming “X” with body. Softly land back into a crouch. That’s one rep. Complete 20.
17. Split Jump
How to: Start in a lunge with right leg forward and left back, both bent at 90 degrees, right arm straight at side and left arm bent, hand in line with chin. Jump up quickly off floor, switching legs in midair to land in lunge with left left forward. That’s one rep. Continue alternating for 10 reps.
18. Star Jump
How to: Start standing with feet together and arms at sides. Bend knees to crouch down, bringing fingers to hover above toes. Then jump up into air bringing legs wide outside of shoulders and arms out overhead, forming “X” with body. Softly land back into a crouch. That’s one rep. Complete 20.
Rest for one minute. Then continue to the next exercise.
19. High Knees
How to: Start standing with feet under hips and arms at sides. Drive left knee up to chest, return foot to floor and repeat with right, switching feet as fast as possible and pumping arms similar to running motion. That’s one rep. Complete 20.
20. Pop Squat
How to: Start in a squat with feet shoulder-width apart and arms bent, hands in front of chest. Bend over to place hands on the ground in front of toes, then jump feet back into a high plank position, shoulders stacked over wrists. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 20.
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21. Walkout
How to: Start standing at back of mat with feet under hips and arms at sides. Bend over and place palms on the floor then walk hands out to a high plank position, so shoulders are directly over wrists. Pause, then reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10.
21. Walkout
How to: Start standing at back of mat with feet under hips and arms at sides. Bend over and place palms on the floor then walk hands out to a high plank position, so shoulders are directly over wrists. Pause, then reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10.
22. Burpee
How to: To start, stand with feet hip-width apart, arms at sides at back of mat. Hop up off floor, land softly, then jump body forward into plank position, quickly lowering stomach all the way to the mat. Push back up and reverse movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10.
23. Mountain Climber Lunges
How to: Start in a low lunge position with shoulders stacked over wrists and left foot next to left hand. Jump up and quickly switch legs, so the right foot is in front. That’s one rep. Complete 10.
24. Walkout
How to: Start standing at back of mat with feet under hips and arms at sides. Bend over and place palms on the floor then walk hands out to a high plank position, so shoulders are directly over wrists. Pause, then reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10.
25. High Knees
How to: Start standing with feet under hips and arms at sides. Drive left knee up to chest, return foot to floor and repeat with right, switching feet as fast as possible and pumping arms similar to running motion. That’s one rep. Complete 20.
26. Pop Squat
How to: Start in a squat with feet shoulder-width apart and arms bent, hands in front of chest. Bend over to place hands on the ground in front of toes, then jump feet back into a high plank position, shoulders stacked over wrists. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 20.
27. Walkout
How to: Start standing at back of mat with feet under hips and arms at sides. Bend over and place palms on the floor then walk hands out to a high plank position, so shoulders are directly over wrists. Pause, then reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10.
28. Burpee
How to: To start, stand with feet hip-width apart, arms at sides at back of mat. Hop up off floor, land softly, then jump body forward into plank position, quickly lowering stomach all the way to the mat. Push back up and reverse movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 10.
29. Mountain Climber Lunge
How to: Start in a low lunge position with shoulders stacked over wrists and left foot next to left hand. Jump up and quickly switch legs, so the right foot is in front. That’s one rep. Complete 10.
This article was originally published on www.womenshealthmag.com
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